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3 Steps to Batch Content on Instagram® Like a Boss

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2021

If you create content for your business or clients, you need to be smart and plan your posts in advance. Why? Because you need to ensure you’re constantly adding value to your followers.  

If your content doesn’t add value, there’s no point in putting it out there.

I know it can be tough to think of what to post on a daily basis, which is why I’m a big fan of batch planning my content, which helps me stay on track and post content my clients want to see. 

Here are three simple steps you can take to batch content like a boss and ensure your followers see posts that they can engage with.  

Step 1: Define Your Strategy

Content creation without a strategy is like playing the lottery. You have no idea if you’re going to hit the jackpot!

The first step to creating batch content like a boss is sitting down and defining your strategy. Consider the following:

  • How often will you post? 
  • Who is your audience? 
  • Through which medium will you post? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? 
  • Can you utilize a tool [like Hootsuite] to help manage your posts? 

When you’ve defined your strategy, you can get to work on formalizing your ideas and creating high-quality content for your followers. 

If you’re looking for a 1:1 marketing strategy consultation to scale your business, click here to check out the packages available.

Step 2: Brain Dump Your Ideas

It’s so much easier to ‘brain dump’ all of your ideas down initially rather than thinking about what you want to post every day.

I find it helpful to keep a file that contains all of my content ideas, be it for blog posts, social media posts, lives, or videos, and I make notes under each heading. 

At this stage, your ideas don’t need to be fully thought out. Think of them as the seeds from which your posts will grow.

When you have a comprehensive source of content ideas, you can then start to work a structure around them and think about sharing them with your followers. 

Step 3: Work Through a Few At a Time and Schedule Them Out

Admittedly, step 3 is the bit the takes the most time. I find it helpful to set aside time every week to plan my content in advance, and I use some tools to help me.

For instance, Airtable is great for planning your content in advance, as you can make it clear what you expect of your future self! 

Failing that, project boards on Trello are often just as effective and give you the chance to see your ideas clearly in front of you. When you’ve put together your plan, it’s time to schedule them onto your social media channels.

I use Hootsuite to help with this, and it means I don’t have to think about content every day! 

Closing thoughts 

So, there you have it! Three simple sets to help you batch content like a boss. Content isn’t something you have to think about every morning, and with a bit of planning and organization, you can ensure that your content is in front of your followers without you even noticing! 


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