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5 Ways to Improve your Branding on Instagram®

instagrow Dec 07, 2020

If you hope to develop an engaging and cohesive presence on social media that your audience loves, your branding needs to be on point.

Branding is so crucial on Instagram®, as it tells your followers and potential clients so much about your offer.

It's your first chance to impress, so you need to make use of it.

Here are five simple ways you can improve your branding on Instagram®.

Set branding goals 

Setting clear and achievable branding goals on the Gram is an essential step toward building trust with your followers and potential clients.

Be clear and concise in your goals about what you want your feed to look like.

Think about your color scheme, font, filters, tone, and voice.

It would help if you established clear guidelines that inform every post you create, so over time, your feed will look like a professional, carefully curated space.

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Have a consistent visual aesthetic 

The aesthetic of your Instagram® feed is super important. If you chop and change the fonts and styles of graphics, this is reflected on your feed.

If you're attempting to create a minimalist tone utilizing a palette of greys, silvers, and blacks, then a garish red block with yellow text will look off-brand.

The same is true for images, too. While variety is essential, you should aim for consistency where possible and stick to the branding rules and goals you've set for yourself. 

Uniform brand voice and tone

Ask yourself:

What is my brand's personality?

How do I articulate my messages in captions?

How well do I respond to my client's questions and comments?

Think about whether you personalize your brand in the first person (I will) or you prefer the traditional third-person approach (this will).

This is important to consider, particularly if you're used to posting on your personal Insta feed.

You should also think carefully about your tone and language.

Do you want to come across as serious, friendly, or somewhere in between?

Be careful with slang, too, as you don't want to send the wrong message to potential clients.

Use branded/interactive hashtags

Branded Instagram® hashtags are an excellent way to help communicate your business to potential clients.

Branded hashtags are unique to your business and can be particularly useful if you're launching a marketing campaign around a particular product.

Some businesses use branded hashtags that sell their business's identity and encourage their followers to interact using this hashtag.

Hashtags are a great way to emphasize your brand identity as well as sell your products. 

Take advantage of story highlights so people can find out more about your brand

Stories are perhaps the most popular feature on Instagram®.

Although your story disappears after 24 hours, you can add stories to your highlights to tell your followers a particular story about your brand or business.

For example, suppose you're a bakery offering delicious vegan cakes and have a line of festive products only available for a limited time.

In that case, story highlights are a great way to showcase this to your audience without detracting from your core offer.

Highlights are a great way of promoting specials and offering additional information about your brand. 


Branding is not just about the colors of your feed. There's quite a bit that goes into it and I'm sure this blog post would have helped you streamlined your branding.

If you're looking for more Instagram® help, then I've got something for you -


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